Sunday, June 2, 2024

Results day

We would like to thank everyone who submitted a poem to this year's Charm Poetry Competition. It's been our largest and most successful year, and, as you can read in the report, it was a challenge for our judge, Jenny Lewis, to select the winners. You can read the winning entries here

We are already looking forward to next year's competition, and hope you are too. In the meantime, keep writing!

Monday, April 29, 2024

Time's up

 The Charm Poetry Competition is now closed. We'd like to thank all of you for entering, and for your kind words about how refreshing it is to have a competition dedicated to the lighter side of poetry. It's now over to Jenny Lewis, our judge this year: remember to check back in a few weeks to read the winning entries - it could be yours!

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Counting down...

 Thank you for all the entries received so far. If you're still working on your entry, you have two weeks to go until the competition closes.

Friday, March 29, 2024

One month to go!

 Thank you for all your entries so far. There are just over four weeks to go before the competition closes - for further inspiration, why not read one of our favourite sources of lighter poetry - Lighten Up Online at

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Looking for inspiration?

When writing poetry, one of the best ways to become inspired is - to read poetry! Why not check out the Quarterly International Literary Journal, Orbis, which can be found at

Sunday, December 17, 2023

We're open!

 For the fourth year, we're happy to let you know that the Charm Poetry Competition is back. Our principles remain the same: we're a competition for the lighter side of poetry. We noticed that prize-winning poems are usually on serious subjects. Free-form poems are more common than traditional structures, and rhyme is rare. We’d like to change some of that.

So entertain us. Brighten our day. We like warmth, wordplay, wit and whimsy. We believe it’s possible to write a good poem that conforms to these guidelines, and we'd like you to prove us right.

So take a break from the tinsel, sharpen your pencil, and start writing - you can find links for how to enter to the right of this page.